are an awesome chick and i love u!Thanx for teachin me about so much stuff that i never heard of or knew what it was ( u know
what im talkin about and if u dont ..well i dont know if i should say it on my site cause .....well lets not just say it).Thanx
for giving me rides and spending extra time with me even though u didnt have to.Im gonna end this out with a little inside
joke;CLICK, CLICK, BOOM, BOOM!Ill miss u!
DORNITA:I know that we really didnt talk as much as i would of wished but i still got love for ya.Well i hope
that u excede at everything u want to do in ur life cause u deserve it.Ill miss u!
COURTNEY:It really sucks
that i wont have one more year with u but i enjoyed havin the time with u that i had.U crack me up and seem to always make
me smile even when im PMSing and not in a good mood.I hope that ur relationship problems get better and that u wont meet any
more assholes cause their not worth it and u can do better and deserve better.Well im gonna end this out with a little joke
or two that i learned from u (o that rhymed!).knock, knock,....whos there?....carrot...carrot who?...carroty chop!knock, knock....whos
there?....cargo...cargo who?.......cargo beep beep!knock, kncok......whos there?...little ol lady...little ol lady who?....o
my, i didnt know u could yoddle! (lol).I love u and im gonna miss u.
LISA:I know that we really
didnt talk or become as close as others but i still enjoyed your company and i will miss you next year.
SARAH:Chica I love u to death!.U always
managed to crack me up.Im gonna miss having u always never know whats going on and our little handshake ya!
CRYSTLE:I love you crislip!!!.lol
i still will never know where i ever got callin u that from....i love u and Melissa very very much and will miss u both!