Flag Tricks/Moves
The Perfect Parallel
Start level at hips with the silk to the left. Hold at the end and where the
silk meets the pole. Lift the silk towards the right with right hand. Fully extend. Now drop flag silk first behind you, let
it rotate around once and tuck the pole under your arm.It should almost be like an extended spacial. Grab with left hand and
let flag drop to the right silk facing right. Switch your right hand so that the palm is facing forward and toss the parallel.
Right-Handed Dropspins
Dropspins are the most basic colorguard move. Start at right shoulder. Drop
the silk to the left and grab with your left hand(palm facing left and thumb down.) while keeping your right hand at the silk.
The silk should now be down and the pole up in the air(straight up and down.) Now continue the motion and bring the silk up
on the right(you have to let go with your right hand) and the grab the pole with your right hand(thumb up). That is one dropspin.
Many coaches/sponsors count dropspins various ways. Our sponsor counts thumbs down, thumbs up, thumbs down, thumbs up.....
There are many variations to dropspins as well. For example, by alternating which foot you pop out to the side, this makes
them pop-eyes.
This next one we call spatials. Start at right shoulder and then let go of
the bottom of the flag with your left hand. Drop the silk to the left and bring it across your toes letting the pole go behind
you. Now drop the silk to the left behind you and let the pole go in front of you. Now you are back to where you started.
To do what we call windmills, you do the same motions you just have your right hand facing thumbs down(away from the silk).
If u want to see pictures to the moves go to http://centralcolorguard.tripod.com/tips.html
The Cradle Drop
The arms are in a low V and the pole
is tucked under your right arm. Put the flag into cradle. Then, at the same time bend your arms so that you can
set the flag on your shoulder and bend your left behind your back with your hand open and palm facing up. (So you can catch
the flag.) Drop the flag into your left hand and your right arm goes up into a jazz hand. You pop your right knee
out at the same time you catch. Look up at your right hand to give a more dramatic effect.
The Headbanger
Start in a R slam. Push the flag out
in front of you until both hands are at the tip of the pole. Continue the direction, completing a 45 degree circle. Make sure
the flag stays in the same plane that you started from the R slam. After you complete the circle, let go with your right hand
and let the flag go behind you. Bend over and let the flag continue it's path. You need to turn your left wrist so that the
silk part of the flag ends up over your head. Grasp the pole with your right hand, making sure your palm is up. Let go with
the left and then unwind your flag until it comes to a L slam. NOTE: Make sure you bend all the way over until your back is
parallel to the floor or you will have some scary planes! The Neck Roll
Start with the flag tucked
behind your back, grasping the
pole with your right, palm facing back. Cross your
arms in front of your chest while bending at the waist. The silk should be down and the pole up. Set the pole
on the back of your neck and release with your right. Your left hand should be waiting to catch the pole on the other
side of your neck. Let the flag gently roll into your left hand. Then just bring the flag down to flat.
The Parallel Toss
To begin: Have the pole parallel to the ground, and
place it behind your back, at a 45 degree angle facing the ground. (as if you were doing a simple right slam, but it's
behind your back)! Now to do the move: you'll need courage for this, because the flag will be directly above your
head spinning. so now you rise the pole, from the slam-like position, above your head. now when you have raised
your right arm with the pole to about a 45 degree angle facing upwards to the left side of your body, that's when you release.
Give it a little power and make sure it is a good distance above your head. If you did it right you can leave
your hand straight in the air and the pole will fall into your right hand and you have completed the parallel toss.
Remember it's a parallel so the flag is spinning above your head parallel to the ground. The flag should rotate about
one full turn and 1/2. The more power the more turns it can make
Peace Out!